What to Expect

What to expect during your photo session with Andrea Rosenberger:

-          During your session, you can expect a fun and relaxed atmosphere. I want you to feel comfortable and have some fun while we hang out. If you have creative ideas or locations that you want to try, let me know before our shoot. I'd love to try them out with you!

-          For adults/couples, I like to incorporate your personality and personal style into your photos however possible. Whether through locations, wardrobe changes, props - and especially through your behavior/interactions - I want your pictures to show who you are!

-          With families and kids, expect some light posing and some directed activity (let's go play on the slide or swings; let's go run or play tag). My goal is to capture natural expressions and real emotions during your shoot. The more fun we have together, the better!

-          For little ones, expect to take some breaks --I'm expecting it. : ).  Don't feel guilty or pressured when it happens; that’s life. My favorite thing about kids is that they don't fake it. If your children aren't happy and comfortable, they aren't going to be looking happy and comfortable either. Please feel free to bring snacks, favorite toys, and anything else you'd bring to make your child a happy camper. : )

-          For young children and babies, it is oftentimes helpful to have a few changes of clothing (spills, accidents, mud puddles, etc).


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